Outtake #6. This is a glimpse of Aartswoud as seen in 2016, Aartswoud remains a quiet, farming community with a large church as a focal point. The flat church steeple was used by the German soldiers as a vantage point to watch the occupied village during WWII.
Outtake #5. German soldiers could enter your home whenever they wished. This time they entered Harry’s home and demanded his Mother and Aunt bake them a cake. When the cake was completed not a spoonful of sugar was left behind for the family.
Outtake #4. Money was worthless during the Nazi occupation of Holland. People traded anything of value in order to receive food. Harry tells an amusing story about a farmer who made a bad trade.
Outtake #3. The village Mayor was removed by the Nazis when caught hiding Jews. A new Mayor was selected by the Nazis who was a Nazi supporter. The new Mayor threatened Harry’s father and told him to get rid of the Jews his family was hiding or face the consequences. Undeterred, Harry’s father sought the help of a local policeman who was later found to be involved in the Dutch Underground.
Outtake #2. During the later days of the War, there was no electricity in Harry’s village. Windows were blacked-out so bombing planes could not use village lights to assist with navigation. To play cards at night Harry’s father rigged up a bicycle with a dynamo for Harry to ride to illuminate the card table at night.
Outtake #1. This outtake explains how Harry’s family planned to hide the Jews and little Sonya from the Nazi soldiers during inspections. Often times the Dutch were given a brief warning of inspections when they blocked off the entrances of the village. This was time enough to hide Jews within the house.